Terrestrial Laser Scanning

OTH Geomatics can achieve some of the highest accuracy and highest resolution point-cloud capture through the use of tripod-based terrestrial laser scanning. This technique is ideally suited where high-resolution pick-up is required in areas unsuited for terrestrial or airborne lidar systems. Although less efficient for corridor work than terrestrial mobile lidar, terrestrial laser scanning is still the preferred method of data capture for local areas with a number of advantages:

  • Equipment can be easily and economically mobilized into inaccessible areas
  • Data collection can be performed by a single-person crew
  • Greater range capability than mobile mobile lidar
  • Automated monitoring can be conducted for specific areas of interest
  • Two scanner configurations cover both short range (primarily indoor) and long-range applications, including:

  • Building Improvement Modeling (BIM)
  • Plant and facility as-built documentation
  • Volume reconciliation
  • Tailings dam monitoring
  • Gabian wall stability
  • Subsidence monitoring
  • Rockfall prediction
  • Glacier monitoring
  • Earthquake fault-zone monitoring
  • In addition to local (manual) data collection, automated systems can be configured for monitoring production areas or remote locations. Various command and control interfaces can be customized to suit user requirements - contact us for more details.

    Global Geospatial Solutions across Spatial, Spectral and Temporal Domains