Airborne Oblique Image Capture
In addition to lidar and orthocameras, optional airborne image collection includes medium-format orthoimagery, available in two primary configurations:
Fore-Aft Obliques
These are collected simultaneously with lidar and nadir ortho imagery. These are located on a common sensor mount and are boresight to the lidar at a look angle of 60°. These provide valuable additional data of vertical faces and other geometry obscured by nadir-looking images.
Two oblique cameras can be combined with a number of lens options and varying frame rates, and data can be processed to 8 or 16-bit TIF or JPEG with radiometric control. Systems are exceptionally rugged (DO-160 certified), ensuring maximum mission up-time.360 Degree Obliques
This arrangement provides additional custom oblique imagery to suit client-specific requirements. Configurations vary depending on mission and application, and typically include multiple 24x36mm CCD imagers fitted with 50mm lenses arranged in a 360 degree orientation.
The configuration limit is dependant on a number of factors, including additional payload accompaniment, aircraft type, limitation on camera ports, bus draw vs breaker capacity and physical payload volume. For information on your specific project, contact our Applications Specialists.