GIS-Ready Lidar Models
Point3Data can produce a wide array of GIS-ready tiled data products from enhanced-elevation / precision lidar data from multiple instrument and sensor types and to variety of spatial references, with compliance to some of the highest industry standards in a number of variants:
Digital Surface Models
DSMs will be processed from first-return lidar data. This product will include tops of trees, power lines, bridges, roads, etc. Suitable as a canopy model, or for line-of-sight analysis. Format varies with data density but is typically a 1m ESRI Raster with variable tile sizes.
Digital Elevation Models
Standard Lidar DEM bare-earth elevation models are typically re-gridded to a 1m ESRI raster. All predominant "non-ground" objects are removed, but other cultural artifacts such as roads & bridges will remain. They are suitable for the generation of 2' FEMA contours. Draft-13 compliant deliverables will include 100' nominal widths for rivers and 2 acre coverage around lakes & ponds, and come with Metadata and Processing / Vertical Assessment Reports.
Digital Terrain Models
Full FEMA-compliant DTMs can be produced upon request. Starting with a DEM as a baseline, this will include the addition of breaklines, hydro-flattening and hydro-enforcement (all roads & bridges removed).
Triangulated Irregular Network
DTM derived TINs will maintain topological data structure across all adjoining triangles in the network. Triangles are generated by interpolation at X/Y coordinates of DTM posts in order to determine the elevation of each posting in the TIN. Triangles are also interpolated to determine contour lines of equal elevation. These products will normally be un-tiled. Consult our Application Specialists for inquiries on meeting your specific requirements.